Wands In Witchcraft

Keira O'Connell
4 min readJun 30, 2021

Wands have been featured in the media as a part of witchcraft for a long time. Now, wands aren’t like they are in the movies, but they are pretty awesome. So, let’s get into a bit more about them and what they’re used for!

Wands are used in both witchcraft and Wicca. They’re long stick-like shapes usually made out of wood, metal, crystal, glass, or plastic. Scepters are basically really long wands, so those can be used as well if you really want. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck also features wands in one of the suits. They are often associated with the fire and/or air elements.

Should you make, buy, or be gifted a wand?

Similar questions are asked about tarot. I have 5 decks that I have bought, because they resonated with me. It really depends on your practice and belief system. Personally, I use a wand I got from Wizarding World at Universal Studios. (I heavily cleansed this, as I no longer support the author of that series and I didn’t want any negative energy on it.) I use this wand because I connect with it, I love the style of it, and it was better for me to use one that I already had, since the alternative was to buy another one.

A lot of people like to make wands out of tree branches, crystals, wire, and other materials. If you’re big on crafts, this might be a fun activity for you. Plus, you get to handcraft it yourself, meaning every ounce of energy you put into it when making it will be inside of it when using it. If you are making one from a tree branch, make sure it’s harvested in a kind way. Ask the tree first. And it’s nicer to find a branch that’s already been dropped than to take one off of the tree.

Do you have to have only one wand, or can you have multiple?

Well, I personally have multiple but only use one. But again, it depends on you and your practice. Having different wands for different purposes can be useful, and some kitchen witches use spoons as wands. Now that I think about it, incense sticks are wands! I used those to cast circles before I found mine. It really is a personal decision.

So, what are wands used for?

Wands are a powerful magical tool with many uses. Depending on your practice, you may incorporate one or many uses for your wand. Here are some ideas:

  • Use it as an energy conductor/a way to focus energy and intention in spells
  • Use it to charge crystals or your other tools
  • Use it to cast circle
  • Use it in meditation as a tool to ground and connect with the earth
  • Spend some time with it to feel balanced and get good energy

Remember that the magic comes from you!! The wand is a tool to focus it, it’s not the creator of the magic (although they do have magical properties and great energy)

How do you charge wands?

You can charge wands with crystals like selenite, amethyst, or any crystal that you want the energy of. You can also charge it with the moon and the sun, herb mixes, and your energy!

To charge it with your energy, place the tip on an energy source of your body (I like to use my forehead) and hold the bottom in whatever fashion you would like. Imagine light of whatever color you’d like flowing out of your body and into the wand. I usually feel tingles on my forehead (I once moved the wand around my forehead while hovering it above my skin when doing this and I felt little energy zaps wherever the wand went). Picture loving, good energy. This is when you can program it or set any intentions you would like it to hold.

How do you bond with a new wand?

I like to approach this in a similar way to bonding with a new tarot deck. Keep it near you or place it in an area where it can get used to your energy. Sit with it daily and just feel it’s energy, and let it feel yours. Maybe give it a crystal or some herbs that align with the energy you would like it to be charged with. Meditate with it if that’s a part of your practice. And use it! The best way to bond with it is to include it in your practice however you like.

I hope this was helpful, and stay safe out there!

